Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If I was the boss of everyone, everybody on earth would have to work in a restaurant for at least 2 weeks of their lives to understand how to dine and how to treat people who work in the food service industry. Most people have no manners.
If I was the boss of everyone, I'd take out the colored lights from the chandelier in the Byrd Theatre. It's tacky. As a matter of fact, I'd ban colored lights in general. They are annoying.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I need to start writing in this more. I love the idea of being the boss of everyone!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

User Comments Would be Disabled On...

Websites that NEVER have any user comments.

Websites where people just post comments about unrelated topics to create a forum for nothing having to do with the initial post.